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[IRFCA] High Speed Show by WAP7 hauled Paschim Express through Umroli..!!!!!
[IRFCA] WAP-7 Paschim Express sweeps Umroli at 100 km/h+!!
[IRFCA] CONRAJ puts up a speed show for the Flying Ranee..
[IRFCA] 12926 Paschim Express hauled by WCAM-2P at Umroli!!!!!
[IRFCA] GZB WAP7 with 12925 Paschim Express...!!!!!
[IRFCA] Thundering Gujarat Express
[IRFCA] 12925 Paschim express with ABB WAP5 #30006 passes palghar
IRFCA - Paschim Deluxe Express with Powerfull Passenger Locomotive
12934 Karnavati Express !!
IRFCA - Sarvottam WAG7 hauled freight screems and accelerates through Umroli
IRFCA: WAP-7 Paschim Super Deluxe Express...! (Part 1)
[IRFCA] 12926 Paschim Express At Umroli wid a WCAM-2P!!!